Protein self sufficient
Local protein production and making these products available and appealing to consumers. It requires exploration of trade-offs between various goals and dependencies for successful implementation.
Demand for alternative proteins has skyrocketed in recent years, a trend that is expected to continue growing. This encompasses enormous potential for new business opportunities and sustainability alike. However, production demands higher quality ingredients, but availability of knowledge, technology and facilities lags behind.
This roadblock is occurring more frequently throughout the entire chain, from resource production to processing and distribution, slowing the rate of new product introductions to consumer markets. A standstill within the EU on breeding development of protein-rich resources has also exacerbated the problem. Consequently, many source ingredients have yet to be optimised for processing, decreasing availability of key nutrients.
”We are experiencing the roaring twenties of the protein industry. Curious what opportunities this offers and how to harvest them? Join The Protein Community or initiatives like the Bean Deal.”
Local protein production and making these products available and appealing to consumers. It requires exploration of trade-offs between various goals and dependencies for successful implementation.
Plantify the protein industry involves a shift towards alternative sources of protein, instead of relying solely on traditional animal-based protein sources. This shift includes the transformation of companies that previously focused on producing meat or dairy products towards producing more plant-based alternatives.
The time to market for plant protein innovations is critical in the plant-based protein industry, as the market is rapidly evolving and becoming increasingly competitive. By bringing new products to market faster, companies can establish themselves as leaders in the industry, capture market share, and meet the growing demand for sustainable and plant-based protein options.
Partners worldwide
Innovation initiatives
This initiative seeks to improve the economic viability of locally produced crops in the Netherlands by bringing together protein crop farmers, creating critical mass and increasing valuation by the end users. This approach helps to organise a better value chain position for the farmers by, for instance, exploring the cooperative selling of their product as well as equipment sharing. This would result in a first national cooperation of growers of leguminous crops moving from niche to critical mass.
Read moreLike a Pro aims at mainstreaming alternative proteins, making them accessible, available, and acceptable to everyone and everywhere.
Read moreIn 2022 the Bean Deal agreement for protein rich crops, in which 56 Dutch stakeholders, including regional and national governments, have committed to far-reaching objectives related to the uptake of protein rich crops for human consumption. The Bean Deal (also known as the Green Deal) is also a steppingstone for future initiatives (Co-fresh, Dutch Protein Farmers). This initiative continues into 2023 and beyond.
Read moreFoodvalley NL, together with Rabobank and Interprovinciaal Eiwitoverleg, are supporting crop-oriented value chain initiatives that contribute to a higher consumption of Dutch-grown plant-based proteins. Increasing the local availability, processing and consumption of plant-based proteins not only contributes to our protein self-sufficiency, but it also has the added benefits of greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen runoff reduction and increased biodiversity.
Read moreThe Protein Transition Map NL offers an interactive platform showcasing the economic value of the Dutch alternative protein ecosystem.
Read moreInvestment in new facilities is badly needed to accompany the accelerating protein transition in the longer term. However, short-term solutions are also needed. Luckily existing facilities can be retrofitted for various alternative, plant protein applications. A perfect opportunity for existing companies looking to venture into this rapidly growing market. Foodvalley NL offers the opportunity to quickly check whether your current production space, machine or line can be made suitable for the processing of raw materials, the production or packaging of plant-based products. This way, you help the protein transition and create new business opportunities.
Read moreThe Co-fresh pilot case assembled a coalition that focuses on creating a competitive European value chain for fava beans that uses local sources and reduces carbon footprint. We expect to have the value chain quantified and an agreement on shared value/revenue distribution in place by October 2023.
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