Dutch Protein Farmers
Dutch Protein Farmers
Relevant for: Dutch farmers, retailers, food process industry
Foodvalley NL brings farmers, the food industry and retailers together to improve the earning capacity of Dutch farmers committed to making the transition to growing new protein crops. Increasing local availability and consumption of plant-based proteins has the added benefits of greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen runoff reduction and increased biodiversity. We are actively mobilising farmers to participate in this initiative. Part of this approach is the launch of a new quality label, “Dutch green protein farmers”. It can be used to improve the market value of products made with locally sourced protein-rich crops. With the result increasing business opportunities for all stakeholders involved. Given its success in the Netherlands, we are now exploring other regions to effectively implement a similar model.
The Dutch Protein Farmers also published a first consumer survey on home-grown plant proteins. Read the research here (in Dutch).
Are you interested? Please contact Jolijn Zwart- van Kessel or Jeroen Willemsen.