The Healthier Food Community
Healthier Food – Innovate for Good
The Healthier Food Community is the much-needed move to join forces with key stakeholders and work towards making the healthy choice the easy choice for all. Collectively, we work on solutions to improve the accessibility of food that positively contributes to health – to support healthy consumption and set in motion a decrease in malnutrition.
In many stores, cafeterias and other points of sale (POS) globally, most of the available food and beverage products do not contribute to health. What people choose to buy is strongly influenced by what’s available. Products that are affordable, convenient, easily accessible and tasty are often popular, but unfortunately, these tend to be unhealthy. The wide availability of such products fosters unhealthy consumption, contributing to high levels of malnutrition and obesity worldwide.
To get more consumers to buy healthier products, we must increase their availability and make them more attractive and more affordable. Although the need to make this change is widely acknowledged, moving towards a future in which the healthy choice is the easy choice is proving challenging.
With its Healthier Food – Innovate for Good community, Foodvalley aims to bring together key players from across sectors to work collectively on making it easier for people to buy healthier food and beverages wherever they are. This initiative has received financial backing from the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport, which awarded Foodvalley funding to develop the community in May 2023.
Uncovering Roadblocks
Foodvalley NL has uncovered the main roadblocks that stand in the way of having a healthier assortment of food and drink products in stores, cafeterias and other points of sale. Read more about Foodvalley’s Healthier Food Community and its approach to bringing together key players from across sectors to work collectively on making it easier for people to buy healthier food and beverages wherever they are.
Foodvalley NL’s Healthier Food Community covers the whole spectrum of stakeholders necessary to tackle collective bottlenecks. Expect partners like start-ups, corporates, retailers, manufacturers, non-profit organisations, knowledge institutions, financial institutions, and investors.
The kick-off meeting of the Healthier Food Community will be held on 1 February 2024, welcoming parties from across sectors looking to work on increasing the supply of healthier foods and drinks.
Using Foodvalley’s Practical Approach, the community partners will work together to launch initiatives that boost access to a wider assortment of healthier products, accelerating the transition towards a more healthy food system and society. By showcasing successful examples of products and solutions, the community can also boost the creation of viable businesses and business models that strive to build healthier food environments.
Join us in shaping the future of food!
Do you want to share your insights on the challenges and opportunities in making the healthy choice the easy choice, or if you are interested in learning more about the Healthier Food Community, please contact Vera Hoynck van Papendrecht, Programme Manager Healthier Food.
Do you want to know more about our partner benefits and what it means to be a Foodvalley partner? Click here.
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