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Discover the Foodvalley communities

Through our communities, you can connect with like-minded organisations and establish valuable collaborations. You also gain access to shared knowledge and expertise that you can use within your own company. Join the community that matches your expertise and where you can best contribute to changing the food system.

The Protein Community

The network for organisations concerned with improving the balance between animal and plant-based proteins.

The Upcycling Community

The network for organisations committed to reducing food waste through the smart reuse of food, ingredients, and side streams.

“Changing the food system is a goal that TNO shares with Foodvalley. We work together regularly. Less animal-based, more plant-based – this is inevitable, given the climate, health effects, and growing world population. But to fully realise this, everyone is needed. Public authorities and universities, manufacturers and supermarkets, technicians and designers – you name it. That’s why Foodvalley’s connecting role is so important.”

– Bart Fischer, TNO

The Healthier Food Community

The network for organisations that strive for accessibility to healthier food for all.

The Personalised Nutrition Community

The network for organisations developing innovative solutions for nutrition tailored to personal needs.

The Regenerative Agriculture Community

The network for organisations focused on encouraging more nature-inclusive ways of farming, such as regenerative agriculture.