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Pilot: Plant Protein Forward

Relevant for: Dutch farmers, food service, retailers, food process industry, investors

In 2024, Foodvalley, together with Rabobank and Interprovinciaal Eiwitoverleg, initiated the pilot Plant Protein Forward (PPF). The goal of PPF is to scale and professionalise crop-specific value chain initiatives to ensure higher sales and consumption of Dutch grown plant-based proteins. Increasing the local availability, processing and consumption of plant-based proteins not only contributes to our protein self-sufficiency, but it also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, increased biodiversity, and new business opportunities for farmers and other value chain actors in the plant-based industry.

EAT: Entrepreneuring Apart Together

Foodvalley has developed a methodology to bring actors across the value chain, from farm to fork, closer together to foster innovation, enhance collaboration and accelerate the transition towards more sustainable food systems. This methodology is also known as the EAT Principle: Entrepreneuring Apart Together. Within PPF, Foodvalley puts this principle into practice to ensure higher sales and consumption of Dutch grown plant-based proteins.


Entrepreneurship is at the heart of PPF. Entrepreneurship by farmers, processors and other value chain actors enables and drives important innovation and collaboration needed to scale the sales and consumption of Dutch grown plant-based proteins.


Every crop-specific value chain initiative faces unique (and sometimes similar) challenges. Therefore, in PPF every value chain initiative is supported individually, amongst others through a dedicated value chain supporter, based on sales-related questions.


Experiences and lessons learned are shared between and beyond participating value chain initiatives. Furthermore, workshops are organised for participating initiatives, focusing on relevant trends and on collective barriers and opportunities. In tge long-term, PPF will have developed a programmatic approach on increasing the sales and consumption of Dutch grown plant-based proteins, to be shared broadly across relevant stakeholders.

Want to learn more about the current value chain initiatives? Find out below.

EAT Edamame
  • Focus question: Realising long-term purchase of conventional frozen edamame from a large Dutch retailer/food service actor (B2C) 
    Period: apr 24 – nov 24 
    Involved value chain actors: Dutch Edamame, Green Organics, Jumbo supermarket, Hutten Catering
    Value chain supporter: Wouter Staal  
    Updates: to be communicated 
EAT Lupin
  • Focus question: Realising long-term B2B  sales growth of (applications of) milled Dutch lupin beans, organic and conventional. 
    Period: sep 24 – feb 25 
    Involved value chain actors: Lekker Lupine, LuPeel, more to be communicated 
    Value chain supporter: Drees Peter van den Bosch 
    Updates: to be communicated 
EAT Faba bean
  • Focus question: Finding a strategic partner for the (minimal) processing of Dutch faba beans to increase the sales of Dutch faba bean flour and remaining fractions 
    Period: oct 24 – mar 25 
    Involved value chain actors: Eiwitboeren van Nederland, more to be communicated 
    Value chain supporter: Michael Luesink 
    Updates: to be communicated 
  • Focus question: Realising an agreement with Dutch food providers for the long-term purchase and promotion of plant-based dairy based on Dutch-grown soy.
    Period: nov 24 – apr 25 
    Involved value chain actors: De Nieuwe Melkboer, more to be communicated 
    Value chain supporter: Wouter Staal 
    Updates: to be communicated