Transport & distribution companies
The Position Paper – a collaborative endeavour to further strengthen the Upcycling Ecosystem
Our key takeaways for you
Stabilising and preserving side streams at food-grade quality is one of the major challenges suppliers and producers face when trying to upcycle new side streams. Recognising this challenge, transport and distribution companies like you can play a crucial role in this.
Discover your role, and benefit
As the pin between suppliers of a side stream and food processors, you can play a coordinating role in bringing different suppliers together.
Those who are already doing (cold) logistics and transporting wet food-grade ingredients can play a role in developing systems for stabilising, preserving and transporting side streams that meet food-safety and quality standards.
Your must-read sections
Contact Form Upcycled Food & Ingredients
We hope this paper inspires, informs, and enthuses you about the further development of the upcycled food and ingredients market! There are several ways to turn your interest into collaboration and action. See below for options to get involved.