Ingredient Producers
The Position Paper – a collaborative endeavour to further strengthen the Upcycling Ecosystem
Our key takeaways for you
Ingredient producers have a crucial position in the value chain: you bridge supply and demand. You have the know-how and technology to make side streams stable and food-grade, and process them into the building blocks for upcycled products.
In this paper, as an ingredient producer, you will find fresh insights that can inspire you to identify new market opportunities and see how you could benefit more from your role in the value chain.
Discover your role, and benefit
As with other stakeholder groups, creating links with other actors in the industry is a vital step. This can be done by activating new suppliers of side streams and food manufacturers to work on existing solutions for upcycling side streams, or on untapped sources of side streams.
Another way ingredient producers like you can fuel the adoption of upcycling is to communicate the ESG benefits of upcycled ingredients more clearly to their partners in the value chain. This will require having the right primary data and fact-based analysis, such as LCA data, to back up any green benefit claims transparently and credibly.
The same goes for the personal health or societal benefits of upcycled food. Based on trustworthy claims, those benefits could be communicated more clearly in the value chain.
You should also consider what you can do to help suppliers and manufacturers develop viable mass-market business models.
Thanks to your experience in turning raw materials into ingredients, you can play a vital role in R&D efforts, scaling, formulating and promoting upcycled ingredients.
.Having a sound business model can help start-ups succeed in upcycling and become pioneers. Partnering with other companies, investors and financial experts is a smart first step to help pave the way. High costs for investments in equipment pose a challenge for start-ups. Shared facilities where you can produce your products in a pilot- or scale phase are a game changer. One existing solution is the Foodleap platform and the Shared Facilities finder.
By partnering with peers and investors/financial institutions that can offer the right expertise, start-ups can help ensure their efforts are focused on devising solutions that deliver true value for the circular economy.
Your must-read sections
Contact Form Upcycled Food & Ingredients
We hope this paper inspires, informs, and enthuses you about the further development of the upcycled food and ingredients market! There are several ways to turn your interest into collaboration and action. See below for options to get involved.