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The Protein Transition Map Launch


February 22

The launch of the Protein Transition Map NL at the Eiwittransitie Congres will be on the 14th of March, 2024.  

The third edition of the Eiwittransitie Congres on the 14th of March will host the national launch of the Protein Transition Map NL. The congres welcomes innovators and stakeholders from every facet of the protein transition chain. Many of them are partner of The Protein Community and they can get an interesting discount on the ticket prize. Next to dynamic discussions surrounding novel products, brands, marketing strategies, technologies, and crops, a brand-new initiative will be launched. 

Claim the discount code on Foodleap (TPC-partners) or go to the event website to secure your tickets.

Interested in becoming a partner of the protein community? Contact Leo Koning,  

The Protein Transition Map NL 

The Protein Transition Map NL is an online, interactive map that provides insights into the Dutch protein transition. It presents the economic value of the Dutch alternative protein ecosystem per province including the amount of employees. Users can connect with >450 actors (companies, organisations & projects) who are innovating with alternative protein ingredients and applications.

The Protein Transition Map NL is an initiative of Foodvalley NL, The Protein Community (TPC), Transitiecoalitie Voedsel (the Food transition Coalition), Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, and the Dutch Provinces. 

Profit From the Protein Transition

The map serves as a portal for stakeholders seeking alternative, plant based protein solutions. It allows businesses and organisations to easily connect and collaborate with each other.

Moreover, by collecting and analyzing aggregated economic data, the map provides insight into the economic value of the Dutch protein transition. This facilitates the monitoring of long-term trends and assists policymakers in assessing the progress made towards achieving the goals outlined in the National Protein Strategy and provincial implementation agendas.  

Eiwittransitie Congres

As participants engage in discussions on innovations, challenges, and opportunities within the protein transition during the congres, the map launch provides a concrete visualisation of this ecosystem.

Attendees can see, in real-time, the diverse network of stakeholders committed to a green protein future. This session will be hosted by Jeroen Willemsen, Innovation Lead Protein Transition at Foodvalley & Leo Koning, Manager of The Protein Community. 

Secure your tickets today and join us, and +450 actors, in shaping an economically healthy future of protein!