Insights from the Protein Innovation Mission to Denmark
On March 17 – 20, 2024, Jeroen Willemsen (Innovation Lead Protein Transition at Foodvalley) and several TPC-partners went on an innovation mission to Denmark. This visit was planned with the goal to network and get inspired in the field of protein transition and was organized by the Province of Noord-Holland, Amsterdam Trade & Innovate and OostNL. This mission offered a chance to explore Denmark’s advancements in protein transition. This collaborative initiative, involving public and private entities, focuses on sharing knowledge and business opportunities within the protein ecosystem. Find below some of our insights:

- 43 Dutch participants joined on the mission, among which 18 TPC partners;
- ‘Creating long term partnerships is key’: one insight from a round table session with Dutch & Danish experts.
- At the Food Expo Herling, there were some interesting product innovations:
- Tempty: hybrid product combining Marlow-Ingredients’ Mycoprotein and Quinoa
- PerfectSeason: vegetable burger with Danish roots
- The mission included a visit to Agro Food Park Aarhus where they met with:
- PlanetDairy: hybrid dairy – nondairy cheeses branded as Audu
- Arla showcasing JÖRD (‘earth’), oat-based drinks and yoghurt
- Danish Ministery for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries: round table on the Danish Action Plan on Plant Based Foods, including a multi-million Plant Based Food Grant.
- Meelunie GPI Faba-protein Factory: scheduled opening end of April 2024, annual capacity minimally 25.000 tonnes Faba;
- Food Nation Denmark: Danish’s international Food Innovation Portal;
Seven Danish Protein Transition-experts received a Golden Bean-pin as a token of appreciation for their protein transition work and the bond between the Netherlands and Denmark.