New publication shows roadblocks towards a healthier food assortment
20 November 2023
In preparation for its new community, Healthier Food – Innovate for Good, Foodvalley NL has uncovered the main roadblocks that stand in the way of having a healthier assortment of food and drink products in stores, cafeterias and other points of sale. The six roadblocks are discussed in a new publication, which was launched during Foodvalley’s Partner Event on Thursday, 16 November.

In many stores, cafeterias and other points of sale (POS) globally, most available food and beverage products do not contribute to health. What people choose to buy is strongly influenced by what’s available. Products that are affordable, convenient, easily accessible and tasty are often popular, but unfortunately, these tend to be unhealthy.
There are several challenges that can thwart moves towards a healthier supply of food and drinks. These cannot be solved by individual parties but require collective action from different stakeholders across the ecosystem. Now, the partners can tackle these identified obstacles as part of the Healthier Food Community.
Partners in the Healthier Food Community will work collectively on making it easier for people to access a healthier product offering – wherever they may shop or eat.
On the morning of its Partner Event, Foodvalley held a pre-community meeting with 24 organisations – from food producers, bankers and lawyers to data companies and knowledge providers – for a 4-hour entrepreneurship workshop on accelerating efforts to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
During this meeting, participants discussed what impact the community should make and what concrete, practical initiatives we can start.
Read more about Foodvalley’s Healthier Food Community and the six roadblocks that stand in the way of a healthier food offering in the new publication, which can be downloaded here.