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For individuals: give your legacy a lasting impact

Your legacy contributes to a sustainable and fair food system

Bequests are a unique and personal form of giving. With a will, you can decide how your ideals will live on in the future. In addition to your loved ones, you can also choose to include causes that are close to your heart in your legacy. By donating (part of) your legacy to Foodvalley, you can make a lasting impact on our future generations.

It is our mission for our future generations to live in a world where enough healthy and sustainably produced food is available for everyone. But this future cannot be taken for granted. If we fail to change anything, we will continue to deplete the Earth, deepen inequality in our food system, and leave future generations with an enormous task.

Make your legacy significant

The decision to support Foodvalley in your will or estate plan is deeply personal, and a profound way to make an enduring impact. Every contribution, whether a fixed amount, a percentage of your estate, or specific assets, helps us pave the way towards groundbreaking solutions for the food system. 

When making a bequest to Foodvalley, you can specify how you want your gift to be used. Think of a specific theme that you consider important or a project or initiative with a long-term impact. We would love to tell you about the life-changing work that can be supported by your generosity.  

As an ANBI (public benefit institution), Foodvalley does not have to pay inheritance tax. As a result, your gift will be used in full to improve the food system so that our future generations have access to healthy, sustainable, and sufficient food. If you would like to discuss your personal ideas or explore how your legacy can align with Foodvalley’s mission, we are here to help. We will gladly discuss the possibilities for fulfilling your wishes.

Contact us

We invite you to discuss, without obligation and in confidence, how your legacy can make a difference. Together, we can look into the possibilities and what your contribution can mean for a better future. 

Leave your details with our CEO Marjolein Brasz, and she will contact you soon.

With your support, we can:

Protect the planet

The current methods of food production threaten biodiversity, pollute our environment, and deplete natural resources. Together with our partners, we are developing circular agricultural methods and technologies that protect and restore our earth.

Tackle waste

Food waste is a moral and ecological problem. Together with our partners, we are working on smart solutions to prevent waste and reuse side streams from the production process as optimally as possible.

Promote health

Unhealthy eating patterns are causing a global health crisis. We work with our partners to raise awareness and make healthy food accessible to all, focusing on increasing plant-based and healthier food options.

Create fair opportunities

Imbalances exist in many parts of the food system. We aim for a stable and future-proof food system in which farmers and producers are compensated fairly for their work. Ultimately this results in healthy and affordable food for everyone.