Foodvalley launches VIPS
April 13, 2023
Foodvalley launches VIPS personalised nutrition pilot programme to support healthier lifestyles
Foodvalley’s VIPS trial (‘Vitality, Interaction, Personalisation, Stronger Together’) was yesterday successfully launched at the care facility Maeykehiem in Friesland, the Netherlands.
The VIPS pilot programme is a unique personalised nutrition trial driven by selected partners from Foodvalley’s Personalised Nutrition Community. The pilot will test a combination of personalised nutritional advice based on individual data. VIPS aims to support participants in living a healthy lifestyle and to test the market viability of personalised nutrition options.
During the trial’s launch yesterday, the ten participants – all staff members at Maeykeheim – had their measurements taken to provide insight into their baseline health. This included blood tests, dna, muscle strength and fitness tests and will be complemented by a social and behavioural questionnaire.
Nutrition and lifestyle are increasingly important topics. There is growing awareness and scientific knowledge that lifestyle modifications can help prevent diseases and support better overall health outcomes. However, to achieve lasting behavioural change around healthy lifestyles, people must have sufficient knowledge and feel empowered to make the right, healthy choices.
Personalised (nutritional) advice, based on individual data and knowledge about nutrition, health and behaviour, has the potential to positively influence people’s behaviour and health. The VIPS pilot programme has brought together innovative companies working on Personalised Nutrition in one consortium to demonstrate how personal advice works in a typical target group. In this coalition, Foodvalley works with about eight start-ups, WUR, TNO and the Frisian care organisation Maeykehiem. The VIPS pilot will aim to:
- Empower employees to become more vital and propagate this in the organisation and their environment.
- Gain insight into the effectiveness and acceptance of personalised interventions delivered by a multi-disciplinary collaboration of providers (VIPS consortium).
- Develop a viable business model that adds value for the user, society, science and affiliated private partners.
Read more about how Foodvalley is working to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
More information about the pilot or joining the PN community? Please contact Judith van der Horst.