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F&A Next: Foodvalley Open House


10 May 2023

F&A Next: Join us at Foodvalley’s Open House 

F&A Next is just around the corner, and it’s shaping into another fantastic gathering. On 23, 24 and 25 May, we welcome you to our office, Bronland 10F in Wageningen, to meet us and participate in our sessions & activities.

Located just 300 metres from the F&A Next venue Omnia, a visit to the Foodvalley office is an absolute must to learn everything you ever wanted to know about the food system transition, partners for scaling and how collaborative action works.  

23 May: Innovation Insights

On 23 May, a day before F&A Next, we kick off with a special breakfast session from 8:30-10:30 during our quarterly Innovation Insights.  

This time, Innovation Insights is all about F&A Next. This quarterly session will offer a sneak peek at what to expect, who to meet and who to invest in the food transition—a glimpse into the world of startups, corporates and investors. Share your experience with investing in the food transition by joining the online dialogue here

During Innovation Insights, artist Jessie van Hattum will paint our Foodvalley Glasshouse with illustrations relevant to the food system transition. You are welcome to visit our Glasshouse anytime from 23-25 May in Plus Ultra II.  

24-25 May: F&A Next

Whether or not you have a ticket to F&A next, our doors are open for you to visit our office. We will take the opportunity to showcase some of our work and connect with our partners during this annual event of 800+ global participants on the topic of Food & Agriculture.  

Drop by at any time to have a meet our Foodvalley colleagues. At our office in Plus Ultra II, you’re always welcome to grab a cup of coffee, have a good chat, visit our Glasshouse, and participate in our sessions & activities. Our activities are open to partners and non-partners alike. We look forward to meeting you!   

➡ Workshop Live Fermentation: Discover in practice what fermentation offers for new protein products, healthy food and ways of upcycling.
(24 May 10:00-11:00)  

➡ Food Transition Game: Plan your journey and find opportunities and new partners.
(24 May: 14:30 – 15:15 and 25 May: 14:00 – 14:45)