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F&A Next:
Recap Highlights


1 June 2023

Highlights of Foodvalley’s Open House 

F&A Next has closed its doors. Time for some inspirational Foodvalley highlights of the events organised on
23, 24 and 25 May.

23 May: Innovation Insights

On 23 May, a day before F&A Next, we kicked off with a special breakfast session of our quarterly Innovation Insights.  

This time, Innovation Insights was all about F&A Next. This quarterly session offered a sneak peek at what to expect, who to meet and who to invest in the food transition—a glimpse into the world of startups, corporates and investors.  

During Innovation Insights, artist Jessie van Hattum made illustrations relevant to the food system transition on our Foodvalley Glasshouse.

The challenge on “upcycling of horticulture side streams” into valuable proteins, enzymes, and supplements reached an exciting conclusion during Foodvalley NL’s Innovation Insights meeting. The challenge was organised by SIGN (Foundation for Innovation in Greenhouse Horticulture Netherlands) and Foodvalley NL. Grassa BV emerged as the winner, receiving the prize for their refinery technology, efficient logistic processes, and expertise in upcycling supply chains

24-25 May: During F&A Next at our office

Whether or not you had a ticket to F&A Next or not, our doors were open to visit our office. We took the opportunity to showcase some of our work and connected with our partners during this annual event of 800+ global participants on the topic of Food & Agriculture.  

  • Workshop Fermentation: Discover in practice what fermentation offers for new protein products, healthy food and ways of upcycling.
  • Food Transition Game: Plan your journey and find opportunities and new partners.

Join the Journey

Are you motivated to join us in the journey to shape the future of food together? You have the opportunity to be part of this journey and play an essential role in which path to take together.