The Protein Transition Map NL
Start collaborating to innovate faster
Connect with relevant alt. protein companies by using the search bar or mouse-over the map and click on the red icons. This is the first platform of its kind, connecting you with over 500 organisations leading the protein transition in the Netherlands. Together, they generate €881 million in annual production value and provide employment to over 3,500 people. Download the PDF featuring the economic data. For more details and advanced search options, visit the Foodleap platform. Do you want more engagement & insights about the Protein Shift? Become a partner of The Protein Community.
Add your organisation to the map
Explore the map now and check if your organisation is listed. To register your organisation, click on the button “Add organisation”. See above on the map. Once registered, we will contact you.
The Protein Transition Map NL serves two objectives:
- International Visibility: The map serves as a portal for global stakeholders searching for sustainable protein solutions, effectively exposing the Dutch ecosystem to the world.
- Economic Impact Evaluation: Through the collection, analysis, and synthesis of data contributed by the featured actors, the map offers insights into the economic value of the Dutch protein transition. Users gain access to specific information about each actor’s solutions and economic data at both the national and provincial levels. This facilitates the monitoring of long-term trends and helps policymakers in assessing the progress made in realising the objectives outlined in the National Protein Strategy.
What is Foodleap?
Foodleap is an online global platform dedicated to accelerating food innovation. It connects startups, researchers, and industry leaders with the right partners, data, and resources to take their innovations to the next level. By featuring tools like the Protein Transition Map NL, Foodleap fosters collaboration and growth in the food sector.
The Protein Transition Map NL helps you easily to connect and collaborate with organisations across the Netherlands, that can help to accelerate your protein transition. It offers valuable insights and opportunities for partnerships, boosting your visibility and demonstrating to policymakers, investors, and industry leaders that the protein transition is an important and growing sector. Read more about Foodleap here.
Register on Foodleap
By registering on Foodleap, you’ll gain access to a powerful network of peers and key stakeholders in food innovation. Forget about relying only on LinkedIn or network events —Foodleap connects you directly with the most relevant actors in the food industry in a few clicks. Join the platform now and start building valuable connections today!
Gamechangers in the Protein Transition
The list below highlights key actors that drive the future of protein in the Netherlands. These “heroes,” selected by each province, represent the forefront of the protein transition movement. Connect with these gamechangers and contribute to advancing the impact of the protein transition in the Netherlands and beyond.
The map is supported by…

The Protein Transition Map NL is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Nature. It is part of a joint effort to measure the environmental, health, and economic impact of the protein transition, also termed the Value Case Protein Transition. This initiative involves partners like Foodvalley and the Transitiecoalitie Voedsel. As part of this Value Case, in 2023, Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR) shared findings showing an approximate 8 billion euros monetary value on the environmental impact.
Including the economic benefits of the protein transition identified by WEcR, the Protein Transition Map NL showcases an economic analysis presenting the economic value of the Dutch protein transition. This is expressed through production values and number of jobs. Funding from 11 Dutch provinces that have collaborated closely on the protein transition since 2018, also termed Interprovinciaal Eiwitoverleg, enabled this economic analysis. Furthermore, the Map connects companies across provinces, shares knowledge, and may shape future policy.
The Protein Community
The Protein Transition Map NL is released in 2024 and initiated by The Protein Community (TPC). TPC is established in 2017 by Foodvalley and connects alt-protein startups and corporates globally. With 150 companies as partners, it fosters innovation and business growth through international partnerships, capital, unique facilities, and expert knowledge. Leverage our extensive experience and join this thriving community! Interested in more info? Fill in the form, and Leo Koning, manager of TPC, will contact you.