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Danone Research

Protein Facility Switch

Check your facility for plant-based products

Relevant for: food processing industry

Investment in new facilities is badly needed to accompany the accelerating protein transition in the longer term. However, short-term solutions are also needed. Luckily existing facilities can be retrofitted for various alternative, plant protein applications. A perfect opportunity for existing companies looking to venture into this rapidly growing market. Foodvalley NL offers the opportunity to quickly check whether your current production space, machine or line can be made suitable for the processing of raw materials, the production or packaging of plant-based products. This way, you help the protein transition and create new business opportunities. 

Curious to learn about the potential of your facility? Or are you looking for a protein processing facility? Expand the application of your protein processing facility in the Protein Facility Switch initiative! 

Would you like more information about which facilities are already available or are you interested to share your spare capacity? Or would you like to get support with funding your innovative facility? Get more information about the Shared Facility Finder

Jeroen Willemsen