Food Boost Challenge
Make Healthy Eating More Appealing
Relevant for: students, governments, all types of companies
The Food Boost Challenge is an initiative by Medical Delta Living VIT for Life, HortiHeroes and Foodvalley NL. Along with knowledge institutions, business partners, governments and NGO’s, we challenge students to come up with ideas to make healthy eating more appealing. In four stages – from research and ideation through to concept development and prototyping – they give a boost to their own generation’s healthy dietary pattern and of next generations. Participating companies offer support to the most promising ideas the students come up with and, with support of Foodvalley NL, collaborate to scale the concept.
The first Food Boost Challenge was launched in 2021 and focused on creating concepts that stimulate fruit and vegetables consumption in Dutch adolescents by working with the target population. The next edition of Food Boost Challenge: Limburg Healthy Hotspots, initiated by DSM, will be launched in 2022. A third and fourth are on its way. Watch this video to get inspired.
Interested in participating in or sponsoring your own Food Boost Challenge? Please contact Judith van der Horst.