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F&A Next: Day 0



Open House Diaries F&A Next

Yes, the doors are open at Foodvalley! We welcome you to our Foodvalley Open House whether you a partner or not, you have a ticket to F&A Next or not. Three days of food transition in action ahead. What does that look like? Follow the Open House Diaries, you will hear all the latest and greatest at the food hotspot of Wageningen and beyond.

Foodvalley Partners play a key role in shaping the future of food. But Foodvalley Open House means everyone is welcome to join the action. Today, we had more than 100 participants.

What did they participate in?

  • A special edition of Innovation Insights on the expectations of F&A Next and financing the food transition. Did you know that participants found a mix of instruments is needed for speeding up the food transition? You can find the sneak peak of the results of the online dialogue on funding here on Foodleap. But… the dialogue for funding continues until 25 May as, please join here.
    Guest speakers are looking for specific opportunities; like Rik Pantjes from investNL. Scale ups working on upstream, for example co-productions with farmers and iconic product developers. Or are investing in educating the general public about food habits, like Amos Attali of Myownhealth who participates in the VIPS Pilot because he wants to take on this challenge. Sharing risks and building experience faster, are motives of Daan Vetter from SchoutenFood who believes in investing in multi-partnerships, being inclusive. 
  • In the challenge on ‘how to reuse residual streams from horticulture’, Dewi Hartkamp from Sign stated that a lot of additional food can be made from residual streams, preventing the import of a lot of streams from abroad. The winner of the 50,000 euros for implementation is Grassa! Unlocking the full potential of grass.
  • Open Community Meetings with exciting programmes at Unilever of the Upcycling Community and on Personalised Nutrition.
  • Visualising the journey of shaping the future together makes the food transition more understandable to a large audience. Graphic Designer Jessie van Hattum painted the Foodvalley Glass House.
  • Captains Dinner was attended by our CEO Marjolein Brasz and Jolijn de Zwart van Kessel Innovation lead Circular Agrifood. Marjolein made a call on the HOW and NOW of the food transition. As a Practice Leader we move things forward by looking at what happens and what not in practice. With concrete examples of how collective action contributes to new healthy sectors. Like the BeanDeal for the protein sector.

Upcoming tomorrow at our Open House

We already did our warming up for F&A Next today. We are looking forward what tomorrow will bring:

  • Workshop Live Fermentation 10-11AM: discover in practice what fermentation offers for plant-based protein products, healthy food and ways of upcycling!
  • Food Transition Game 2-2.45PM: It is a journey through networks, communities and initiatives working to make impact. It helps you find solutions, opportunities to shorten time-to-market, redefine your business and meet great people.

And of course the start of F&A Next. We have our innovation leads on stage at Omnia: Jeroen Willemsen joining a panel session on redefining the protein industry and Judith van der Horst with MacLaren F1 on the power of personalised Nutrition. You will find more on tomorrows programme here.