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The Protein Transition Map NL - Claim your Spot

Claim your spot

Claim your spot on the Protein Transition Map NL with more than 400 actors and initiatives working towards an economically healthy protein future. A place on the Protein Transition Map NL increases your national and international visibility and helps us to show policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders that the protein transition is serious business. Are you an actor providing protein solutions other than conventional meat, fish, or dairy? Click on the button below!

Who can claim their spot on the Protein Transition Map NL?

The Protein Transition Map NL used a selection process to accurately present relevant companies and organisations.

The criteria of the Map, regarding the value chain, includes actors from breeders and ‘more than farmers’ up till food service. This means food service is not included on the Map. ‘More than farmers’ are farmers that not only grow crops or pulses but also add value to their products through processing.  

Other criteria to be eligible for claiming your spot on the Map include:

A) Your company or organisation is based in the Netherlands, and

B) You focus solely on protein solutions other than conventional meat, fish, or dairy*. Therefore, the map includes actors that aim to accelerate the Protein Transition, restoring the balance between the consumption of plant-based and animal-based proteins. Think about actors focusing on pulses, algae, seaweed, mycoproteins, insects, and cultured meat, including actors that enable the Protein Transition.


C) You focus partially on the Protein Transition, meaning that next to your focus on plant-based proteins, you also focus on animal-based proteins or other (innovation) areas. This aligns with products produced based on both plant- and animal-based proteins, or educational institutions also focusing on other topics such as the circular economy. **

– Educational institutions who are focusing on the Protein Transition, are also included on the map.

If you have a question or remark about this selection process, send an email to

*Thus, conventional protein sources such as meat, fish, dairy, and eggs are not qualified to be on the map.

** 1% of the economic value of the hybrid actors is accounted for in the economic analysis of the Protein Transition Map NL 

Navigate back to the Protein Transition Map NL to engage with actors, learn about the protein transition ecosystem, and unlock the full opportunities to connect and collaborate on Foodleap.

How we keep the map updated

When compiling this first version of the Protein Transition Map NL, the team worked as carefully as possible to provide a complete overview of companies and organisations in the protein transition.

The underlying database is frequently updated. If your organisation is missing on the map, or if you are missing another organisation, please claim your spot and complete the form, or send an email to Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Disclaimer: If you are on the map and do not wish to be presented on the map, please reach out to us by sending an email to

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The Protein Community

The Protein Transition Map NL includes the partners of The Protein Community (TPC). TPC is a platform with more than 150 partners, created in 2017 by Foodvalley NL, the provinces of Gelderland, Overijssel, and Oost NL. TPC stems from the ‘Groene Eiwitversneller’, a pilot of 30 SMEs to test whether plant protein innovations could be accelerated to the market.

The Protein Community connects alt-protein, start-ups, and corporates worldwide. Accelerating their innovations and business growth by coupling them by inspiring international partners, capital, unique facilities, and knowledge and providing in-depth events. Benefit from our many years of experience and become part of our community!